Tuesday, December 29, 2009


* 1 cycle is 700 years
* Distinguish right and wrong (是非分明) - Humans are not qualified. Knowledge is limited. Poor decision making. Lacks sound judgment (判断力). Once you teach the kids to distinguish (是非分明), they suffer for life.
* Chinese language has the highest elasticity (弹性). Can be right or wrong.
* Cannot ask Chinese to be innovative. They get too innovative and become useless.
* 阴阳平衡 - look at two sides, only reasonable or unreasonable. Right or wrong is the same.
* Highest intelligence is doesn't differ a lot (差不多). No one thing can be the same as the other. Only within the threshold. Nothing is 100%. 差不多 means just right.
* Understand Chinese is to understand the phrase right is useless (对没有用).
* A principle is not always linear, but fluctuates depending on the condition (道理不是平面,是弯线的).
* A degree of intensity (度) is very important when dealing with Chinese.
* There is no bad people, but people who made the wrong choices. Multiple right choices, we say "luck" and vice vesa.

Characteristics of different people

Chinese (中国人)
* Based on both seniority, capability, recent performance

* Lack of obedience as they can think for themselves
* 三分法 - Dislike 是非分明. Like to use hard to say (很难讲), depends on how you say it (看你怎么讲) and up to you to say it (随便你讲).
* Minority are smarter than majority. Why accept majority?
* transmutation (嬗变). Innovation and change (求新求变) gone wrong. 乱变.
* Talk about rational(合理)
* Speaks two sentences at the same time, which lots of people are unable to understand.
* Don't speak the truth or suffer the consequences. So they don't lie but not to say my mind(实在话). Speak appropriate words (妥当话).
* Don't earn money but still do it.
* If you tell a Chinese that he is wrong, he will ask "Who said that?"
* 是非不重要, 面子比较重要. Chinese value face more important than right or wrong.
* Like compliments but dislike boot-licker (喜欢拍马屁味道, 不喜欢马屁精). 
* Being skeptical means high level of alertness (怀疑心重,表示警觉性很高).
* When Chinese people lie(欺骗), their expression (脸色), voice tone (音调) and attitude (态度) is not right.
* Believe what we feel and not what the other person says. Don't care what you say but how you said it.
* Secret to communication with Chinese is if you are with or against him.
* What we are now is for us to serve our purpose in this life.
* Gather the best information to protect yourself (eg, price of cup)
* Chinese only do slight adjustment(调整) but not change(改变). Like driving a car. Driving on a straight road, minor adjustments to the steering wheel is fine but major changes cause accidents.
* In the service sector, the staff tried to be courteous but only on the surface. They do not mean it in their hearts.
* Have laws and regulations but not follow strictly, addition humanity to it(合理,不是合法).
* Speed is the advantage to the Chinese
* Chinese will buy, knowledge transfer or last resort, steal expertise. As long as product is not exactly the same as the original product.

Japanese (日本人)
* Based on seniority.
* Pay based on seniority
* Highest teamwork and obedience (服从性)
* 一分法 - Upper orders are always correct. Once wrong decision, major failures.
* 没有是非, 只有上下. No sound judgment at all.
* Will do the business but try to make profit out of it.

American (美国人)
* Base on capability. Who is capable, I will use.
* Pay base on capability
* 二分法 - Right/wrong. 是非分明.
* Only one rule - minority is subordinate to the majority (少数服从多数)
* Not innovative enough.
* Talk about law.
* Americans if don't make money, they won't go into the business
* If you tell an American that he is wrong, he will verify and apologise if he is at fault.
* Only interested in the contents of the message and not how it was delivered.
* Follows strictly to laws and regulations.

Important points:
* Important to know what is the next step. Not be bothered about the past.
* Old people who are physically well, has a hard life ahead.
* As one makes one's bed so one must lie on it(自作自受).
* Hard work is useless (努力没有用). Courage is more important (勇气才要紧).
* 不用心. 心在哪? 颠倒心就出来.
* Principles do not change but methods can change (原则不能变,方法可以变).
* Chinese focus on middle management in a company. How well a company does depends on them. Now, upper management feel worry about (不放心) and lower levels are not diligent enough(不用心).
* How to do it? Not listen to what your boss said. When people around, must listen. When no one is around, must say the truth.
* If you put the blame on your boss, he will find fault on you.
* To work together with one heart (同心协力) is the only way for a brighter future.
* Earn money from foreigner are easier. Chinese have deep pockets.


1. 两难: 凡事都是相对的, 有一些矛盾。
2. 兼顾: 把矛盾统一起来,合起来想。
3. 合理: 寻找此时地的合理抉决策。

* 中 = 合理. 中 means rational。
* Anything related to Chinese can use difficult to say (很难讲). Best approach to use these three phases ; difficult to say (很难讲), depends on how you say it (看你怎么讲) and up to you to say it (随便你讲).
* As status gets higher, need to be discrete (含糊) in what they say.
* If the leader is Monkey God (孙悟空), all his subordinates are Pigsy (猪八戒).
* The best management method is to manage until it looks like no management at all.
* First 2 words, two troubles (两难). Neither is correct. 
* Rules are inflexible, but the mind is flexible.
* Learn Chinese way of communication through the use of the three phrases : I tell you but you don't tell anyone, if you tell someone, don't tell them I said that and if you tell someone and said I said that, I will not admit.
* Chinese are a group of conflicting culture (阴阳文化)。
* Chinese don't talk about capability(能力), they talk about ability(本事).
* Those who are breaking the rules usually are capable and required by the company (两把刷子).
* Any restrictions (规定), there is always exceptions (例外).
* Management is managing reasonably. (管理 = 管的合理)
* If keep speaking only on rules and regulations. It is more harmful than good. (规定放在肚子里,没有说出来。说出来就死掉了。)

Monday, December 28, 2009

A new start ... Blog what I have learn.

I actually have been thinking if I should start a new blog but I am unsure what I want to blog. After some consideration, I decided to blog what I really think is useful and also able to benefit others, blog what I learn. This place will also serve as a learning journal for myself, as I hope I will diligently update this blog as I have been very lazy to update what I have learned in the training videos that I have been viewing. Most of the training videos are in mandarin, therefore I hope I can translate or type in chinese if I am unable to find a correct translation for it.

Hope this serves as a new and good beginning for me...

For now, I have been watching two trainers, 余世维 and 曾仕强.



I think they are one of the best trainers available and I have been going through their training videos most of the time. My preference is 曾仕强 as he has more depth and insight in terms of chinese culture and classics which he brings into his training videos.